Indefinite adjournment of PSCE Monthly Lecture Scheduled for Saturday, the 14th March, 2020.
The Punjab Government has issued a directive that congregations be avoided, at least for the next three weeks. The PSCE, as a socially conscious and responsible society, has therefore decided to postpone the lecture scheduled for Saturday, the 14th March, 2020, at its head office.
PSCE offers its profound regrets Indefinite adjournment at such a short notice but hopes that all those who are registered, would understand that the decision is correct and in public interest.
Pakistan Society of Civil Engineers (PSCE) expresses profound grief & sorrow on the loss of human life & limb, property and infrastructure during the earthquake of 24th September, 2019, in New Mirpur and Jatlan areas of Azad Jammu Kashmir (AJK).
PSCE prays to Allah to rest all the souls, that departed from this world, during this calamity, in an eternal peace, and to give courage & strength to their surviving family members to bear this irreparable loss.
PSCE offers full technical support – by way of public service – to all, for rehabilitation works of affected or damaged structures by the earthquake.
Pakistan Society of Civil Engineers (PSCE)
Address: 32-B-2, Main Gulberg, Lahore, Lahore – Pakistan
Phone: +92-42-3521-3356 – 7
Fax: +92-42-3521-3358