About Us

behind the scenes at beyond


Pakistan Society of Civil Engineers (PSCE) is a non-profit, non-partisan professional society of civil engineers, incorporated in Pakistan, as a public company, limited by guarantee, under Section 42 of the Companies Ordinance, 1984. Its goals include the advancement of the discipline of civil engineering by enhancing knowledge, competitiveness, quality, ethics, and sustainability.

Our Vision

As civil engineering is the most basic, the oldest, and arguably diverse of all the engineering disciplines, addressing the fundamental issue of stewardship, PSCE believes that it can play a very crucial role in influencing the development and well-being of its fellow men and women.

Our History

Incorporated in 2016, PSCE is an attempt to fill a long-standing professional gap that existed in the country, since its inception. It was started by a handful of experienced and concerned civil engineers, who assembled in the city of Lahore to set up a permanent professional society that could play a role that no other body in the country was playing.